October 8, 2009

Arashi, 1st Place Champions

Oshkosh Community Dragon Boat Festival

August 24, 2009

Arashi Takes 2nd Place in Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival

Congratulations to Arashi for paddling their way to 2nd place in the Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival. The weather was beautiful and the races went well. We missed first place by only 0.38 seconds. To see a beautiful picture of the photo finish visit http://www.itiming.com/raceresults/540-gold-finals.pdf

Thanks to everyone for pulling their weight and not being a passenger. Next up....Oshkosh!

July 13, 2009

great midwest fest

fastest time in the morning heats,heavy headwind ,plus waves coming from the right in the PM .great effort, still only seeded 3rd for the championships.
finals was heavy headwind still but,it was all the same for the other boats.
great start,great 1st series,had to call an early finish as the major compe.did .
whew,beat them by 2 secs and then some.
front 6 did a bang up job of maintaining an awesome rate for the rest of the crew to work with.
engine room responding well for the need for more power and never to forget the back 6.the 6 that gives the boat the needed boost for the engine to work with.

May 4, 2009


did a bit of starts,1',1.5',2' sets.
we're starting to hit the water cleaner than ever.still have to work alittle on the starts.be more patient with the start and controlled aggression on the transition for a great pace.
pace still tends to pick or sometimes too fast.
ended the morning session with a couple of race sims.that felt good.it's great to finish a practice with a good run.makes everybody feel good.
a few more starts and race sims for the pm.session.yeah,we are ready.hope to tweak that rate down a touch tomorrow.
on to ybor city for the paddlers party and dinner with ARASHI.
wendy's looking forward to shopping.got a shirt for andrew as a way of saying thanks,"BEER IS YOUR FRIEND".

April 30, 2009


oh yeah,were still here.
4",2",11" drills are finally working it's way into our sun fried brains.i think being out in the sun affects your hearing too.AMA can disagree on that.
team is final hitting the water well.we still need to be patient into our race pace.
strokers ,you reading this?
this is the part of the week that mentally we think we are not doing well,otherwise it's all physical
.really,really recommend a lot of cardio ,running ,cycling anything to work out your lungs and your heart for not only the year but for the off season.
muscle aches,joint pains,blisters,blue black gunnel bruises,muscle knots on your lower back,quesy stomach(i blame it on hotel orange juice),oh yeah,we do get comp. breakfast.the good kind.
but,we got lisa.free back rubs,shoulders,neck arms,she is always there to give you a few minutes of your time to give relief on your achey spots.
General Lee had to take a break today.dragon boaters enemy.that cursed back muscle.she was very frustrated.but,lot's of rest and ice and a call from her MD will probably help.i'm sure she will be there to paddle with us Friday and race day.
oh yeah!finally discovered great butt pads!not gonna let this out in public (company will hate and love me the same time.you'll see me use it when i paddle.ordered 1 for wendy and 1 for cortnie for her B-day ,charlotte ordered 1 for herself and had a great idea of having all 3 shipped to our hotel the next day!now we got 3 very happy paddlers.no more pain in the ass,somehow we have to think and find a way to fix the blisters....

April 28, 2009

brutal day

toughest day of the week ,so far,
11'x4;of sectionals,then 6'x 6.started and ended each seassion with a "from here to there" drill.i will have to borrow this drill.about a 1200 m. run.
video taped before.should have known what was ahead of us.
paid for partying with the crew and coaches last night.did not hear anybody complain.the question"any aches and pains i need to know about "was asked by andrew.we did'nt say shit.

the pm drill was a lot better.jim fasrintosh was our guest in the boat.1" x10.worked on really slowing the whole process down.long length with the reach,long in the water.i love the results!
6 ' run x 6.of course the "here to there again.
we should change our team name to team biofreeze.
Shut up and Paddle!